30 Nov 2015

Saturday Storage and organizing Ideas for my Idaho home.

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One of the first pieces of advice that we give someone that is selling their home is to declutter.  Make things nice and neat and organized.   That is alot easier when you know you are moving and can pack everything away in boxes but what about our everday lives.  I once showed this home in Sandpoint Idaho where the woman was the ultimate organizer.  She literally had a place for everything and everything in its place.  As winter approaches I have been hit by the storage bug and have pledged to organize my home.  (I will let you know how it turned out)  In my quest though I have found some neat storage ideas to share with you.  I am starting a new Active Rain Group dedicated to your great storage ideas, please come join and share.  http://activerain.com/groups/getorganized

One of my biggest storage hurdles would be food supplies.  To me having the cupboards full of food is rich.  Good rotation and being able to find the items I need is crucial.  Here are some pantry ideas to buy or make.

Pantry Installs in cabinets


A great and easy to make idea for can storage will be one of my next projects.

can storage

I love this idea for some of my top drawers to have a place for onions and potatoes.

Potato bins

This will be a fun search for new and creative storage ideas for my Idaho home.  Come join the new group for Saturday Storage Ideas on Active Rain at http://activerain.com/groups/getorganized



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