31 Oct 2009

What to use the blog for….

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Bob presented a bonus challenge which I just found. It is too late to get the bonus points, but it did get me to thinking about how I use my blog and website.  I am the first one to tout the benefits of blogs and websites.  I have always floundered a bit on what to put in my Active Rain blog because it felt like it should be geared more to agents than to the clients I work with everyday. It  seemed senseless to place a list of sellers tips for selling their home on this blog, because everyone in the community has relatively the same advise to give.  So I have stuck to advertising my listings or write about something that might help a fellow agent.

Like all of us I get presented with questions about our area. When someone asks me about Clark Fork Idaho I send them to this page about Clark Fork. If someone asks me what a 1031 exchange is, I send them to my 1031 page  Or if someone asks me for tips on selling their home I usually send them to one of my blog articles 

All of these pages make it into my farm and relocation packages and even my listing presentations.  I also post upcoming events and a best deals and send my clients to these posts all the time.  What a wonderful idea though to put them all on the Active Rain blog and tie them into the localism group.

I was rather suprised earlier today.  I recently made a post in my blog with links to the Sandpoint Bypass project aerial photos.  Today I went to Google to see if anything new had been posted and was presented with my picture at the top of the results.  Shocked yes, but always happy to see the power of blogs at work.

So if you get tired of hearing about what I consider the prettiest place on earth, blame it on Bob!



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