06 Nov 2009

First time Buyer Credit extended to April 30, 2010

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Congress has extended and expanded the homebuyer tax credit.


First-time Buyer Credit $8000 ($4000 married filing seperate)

First-time Buyer May not have had an interest in a principal residence for 3 years prior to purchase

Current Homeowner credit $6500

Must have used the home sold as principal residence consecutively for 5 of the previous 8 years

Termination of credit Purchases after April 30, 2010

Binding Contract Rule As long as written binding contnract to purchase is in effect on April 30, 2010, the purchaser will have until July 1, 2010 to close

Income Limits 125,000 Single, $225,000 married Additional $20,000 phase out

Limitation on cost of purchased home $800,000

Anti Fraud Rule Purchaser must attach documentation of purchase to tax return.

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