Do You Know What Impacts Your Credit Score? Take This Quiz To Find Out
Do You Know What Impacts Your Credit Score? Take This Quiz and Find Out
According to credit experts, 42% of U.S. consumers have credit scores between 550 and 699. As a result, these consumers typically don’t qualify for preferred interest rates and, depending on their overall credit profile, they may not even qualify for certain loans and credit cards.
As a member of the Top 5 in Real Estate Network®, I, along with my team, have worked with many clients throughout my years in the business and have seen first-hand how credit scores can wreak havoc on securing a favorable mortgage. Most clients we work with don’t have a clear picture of what impacts their credit profile and, more importantly, don’t know what steps they can take to help improve it. We find this short quiz, from credit consultants, to be immensely helpful when it comes to understanding how your credit profile works. Take a few minutes to see if your credit knowledge is up to par.
1. To have the best credit-profile impact, what is the maximum amount of your monthly credit line that should be used?
a) 70%
b) 30%
c) 50%2. What is the number-one contributing factor to a good credit score?
a) Length of credit history
b) Amounts you owe
c) Payment history3. If you pay 2% each month on your credit card (typical minimum payment), when will you pay off a $3,000 balance at 10% interest?
a) 18 years
b) 6 years
c) 3 years4. After paying off a high-interest credit card, you should:
a) Continue using it occasionally
b) Close the account
c) Use the full amount of available credit every month5. Applying for credit cards in order to just receive a free sign-up gift (t-shirts, mugs, etc.) has no impact on my credit profile?
True or False6. Rewards points on credit cards are a good deal when:
a) I get cash back
b) I get free airline tickets
c) I carry no balance each month7. To have a credit score, I must have at least one creditor reporting activity on my credit report for:
a) 12 months
b) 8 months
c) 6 months8. Credit bureaus that manage your personal credit report data and credit scores are a:
a) Government entity
b) Non-profit agency
c) Regular business corporation9. Banks and credit card companies think you are creditworthy by how many credit offers you receive by mail?
True or False10. Credit scores are used by lenders mainly to:
a) Tell how I compare to other consumers
b) Tell if I make my payments on time
c) Predict the likeliness that I will repay my loan on timeAnswers: 1 – c, 2 – c, 3 – a, 4 – a, 5 – False, 6 – c, 7 – c, 8 – c, 9 – False, 10 – c
If you find you answered more than half of these questions wrong, you’re not alone, says ApprovalGuard, whose surveys reveal that the majority of consumers do not know the answers to these and similar types of questions. The good news is it’s not too late. With a good understanding and proper guidance of how credit works, consumers can learn how to effectively manage their personal credit profile. For more information, please e-mail our team, and please feel free to forward this quiz to others.
Jean Gillin & Le-Ann Vicquery
Coach Realtors, Inc.
Office: (631)-360-1900 269 or 23