Avoid Financial Pitfalls When Buying A Home
Avoid Financial Pitfalls When you buy a house, you enter into a long-term financial obligation. You fill out papers and sign legal documents based on those papers. It’s important that you understand your responsibilities so that you won’t be a victim, or a participant, in a fraud. When you apply for a mortgage loan, every.. read more →
A mortgage you can live with
Determining a Mortgage You Can Live With There are a few basic formulas commonly used by lenders to determine how much of a mortgage you can reasonably afford. These formulas are called qualifying ratios because they estimate the amount of money you should spend on mortgage payments in relation to your income and other expenses… read more →
How Much Home Can You Afford?
How Much Home Can You Afford? The single most important part of buying a house is figuring out how much you can realistically afford to pay. You’ll have to take a good look at your budget, debts, credit reports, and credit score. Once you have a good picture of your financial status, start saving as much money as.. read more →