This Old House Sandpoint Best Old House Neighborhoods 2012
Sandpoint Idaho’s many vintage residential homes caught the eye of This Old House, who in February 2012 named Sandpoint a “Best Old House Neighborhood 2012.”
Queen Annes and Craftsman-style bungalows make up most of the homes built here in the early 20th century, when logging and mining were the main industries. Other styles include Dutch Colonial Revival and Tudor Revival. An 1,800-square-foot, three-bedroom abode goes for around $200,000, though some period houses can run up to $300,000.
Why Buy Here?
Clothing chain Coldwater Creek started here, as did Quest Aircraft. Perhaps it’s the fresh air or the easy access to Schweitzer Mountain Resort, which had boasting rights to some of the most skiable conditions in the United States this winter, but entrepreneurs have found a happy home in Sandpoint. Retirees appreciate that major services—hospital, entertainment, shopping—are closely located; there’s also a free bus system.
Among the best for: The West,Cottages and Bungalows, Victorians,Waterfront, Small Towns, Family Friendly, Easy Commute, Parks and Recreation, Retirees, Lots to Do