Weltanschauung Strange word with a world of meaning
Weltanschauung Strange word with a world of meaning
Active Rain encourages its members to blog regularily and has posted a challenge for January. One of the items on the challenge was to write about weltanschauung. Since I didn’t even know that we had one I had to go read through it.
Weltanschauung pronounced “welt·an·schau·ung” World View, or Guiding Principles and Philosophy of a group of people. Active Rain’s Weltanschauung can be found at http://activerain.trulia.com/culture/weltanschauung Funny, that as well as this describes the idea that drives Active Rain a vast majority of the members have never read it, they just live by it!
Realtors, appraisers, inspectors, lenders, title officers, photographers, homestagers and more have gathered to make Active Rain the largest real estate social network platform with 220000 members strong. Are you a real estate professional needing to find answers to a particular problem, have a referral to send out, or just want a place to connect and learn? Then Active Rain is the place for you.
Active Rain members share a common bond and committment to help one another to build relationships that promote their businesses and professions. From seasoned professionals to brand new agents each with a voice, an opinion, a need, a resource and all available for the sharing. There aren’t too many professions where you can find such a large group of “competitors” sharing the tips and tricks to help others learn and grow and become super stars in their professions. Active Rain promotes constructive dialogue, spirited conversations, innovative ideas, and diversity.
Active Rain contains members with a wide range of interests, personalities, localities and experience. Each member is urged to convey their expertise and promote their abilities and home ownership. It has become a wonderful way for real estate professionals to learn from and network with each other.
On the flip side Active Rain allows real estate consumers to “pull back the curtain” and see behind the scenes of real estate market and the professionals in any given area. Consumers can learn all about agents in their every day lives, see new listings, talk to mortgage proffessionals or learn about a particular area. It is pretty easy in todays computer age to locate the listings but with Active Rain people can hand pick their agents. By just hanging around, reading through blogs consumers get an inside view of the agent they will pick to help them with their next real estate transaction. I don’t know how many times I have had someone tell me that they picked me out of all the agents in the area because my personality shined through in my blog posts. I can understand that as vet suitable agents in another area to refer a listing to.
I encourage you to read Active Rains Weltanschauung and see just how well it describes the world views of Active Rain. Even better read through some blog posts and experience it.